Holistic according to the dictionary means dealing with whole or integrated systems rather than with their individual parts .
The following statement from the preamble to the World Health Organization constitution adopted in 1946, illustrates its belief in holistic health from its very formation:
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity/”
An Holistic approach to health is to care about the whole person including body, mind, spirit and social wellbeing which brings a total balance to our lives.
For a holistic approach to health and wellness we need to find our own unique journey which is dierent for each individual some things to take care are:
A healthy diet, appropriate to our personal needs providing a balanced nutrition according to our age, gender, height, weight and physical activity level.
The foods we eat influence how we look and feel, our ability to fight and prevent infections and diseases and give us strength to live to our full potential.
A healthy and balanced diet is the best way to provide our body with all the nutritional essentials needed to perform at its best.
In our next post we are going to share more information about balanced nutrition and natural sources of the different essential vitamins, minerals .
Stay Hydrated, means to maintain sufficient levels of water in your body; hydration is the replacement of body fluids that are lost by sweating, eliminating waste etc. We can survive up to 3 weeks without food but only 3 days without water .
We can also eat some fruits like watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and vegetables like cucumber, iceberg lettuce, and tomatoes which are some of the most hydrating foods that also provide important vitamins, minerals, nutrients and fiber.
Enough quality sleep which is defined as an individual self satisfaction with all aspects of their sleep experience, measuring how well you are sleeping if is restful and restorative
Good sleep improves your health, mood and brain performance
Regular physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy. Some types are:
- Aerobics activities make you breathe harder and make your heart and blood vessels healthier. This includes Walking, dancing, swimming, water aerobics, jogging and running, tennis, Bicycle riding stationary or on a path, golfing without a cart, aerobic exercise classes.
- Flexibility enhancing helps good motion in the joints, they include: stretching, pilates, yoga, tai chi or Qi gong.
- Muscle strengthening activities build up your strength working all parts of the body. They include: lifting weights, sit ups, and push ups, pilates and working with resistance bands.
Hygiene is a word derived from the Greek word “hygieinos’ ‘ which means healthful or relating to health. We use the term hygiene to describe the practice of keeping yourself and surroundings clean to prevent illness. Good hygiene in all areas such as personal, environmental, domestic and food hygiene plays an important role in promoting better health and wellbeing.
Think positive, our minds are very powerful, what we think influences the way we feel and how we behave.
Make a conscious effort to find things to love, like and appreciate.
We are the masters of our thoughts, let us choose the positive ones that make us feel good which by cause and effect make us healthier and stronger.
In the next posts we are going to share some information on techniques used to measure how our thoughts, affecting our feelings and emotions create an effect in our strength and also in our energy field.
Practice mindfulness, appreciating the beauty in present moments and evoke positive emotions within yourself like happy feelings, love, joy and gratitude.
Practice gratitude, gratitude is an optimum mind-body practice. It helps reduce sadness, increasing feelings of happiness and work as a trigger for our brains to activate healing processes within our body and mind.
In the next posts we are going to look in to the other aspects of holistic well-being like mind, spiritual and social also we will share some of the most popular holistic therapies.
Remember to smile!