By: Sophia Corso. Media: The Federalist.

Thanks to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, pro-life protections in states around the country have led dozens of abortion facilities to close their doors. But the pro-abortion industry is working overtime to fill the gap with another version of the deadly atrocity: the abortion pill.
Even though the abortion pill delivers a painful death to unborn babies and also poses significant risks to mothers, it’s still approved by U.S. health officials. But that needs to change, argues a new lawsuit.
Four pro-life medical organizations and four doctors filed a lawsuit in a Texas federal court last week against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Department of Health and Human Services to reverse the approval of the abortion pill called mifepristone, which currently allows mothers to kill their unborn child up through the 10th week of pregnancy. They are represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, which also played a key role in the Dobbs case.
“[T]he FDA failed America’s women and girls when it chose politics over science and approved chemical abortion drugs for use in the United States,” the complaint states. “And it has continued to fail them by repeatedly removing even the most basic precautionary requirements associated with their use.”
As The Wall Street Journal summarized, the lawsuit argues that “the FDA exceeded its authority to approve the drug because the agency used a process meant for treatments of serious or life-threatening illnesses, and there wasn’t scientific evidence to support the approval and other decisions.”
When a woman takes an abortion pill, commonly known as a chemical abortion, she first takes mifepristone to stop him from receiving nutrients, consequently starving him. Then, the mother takes misoprostol, “which induces contractions to expel the dead or dying child,” as Tara Sander Lee and Michael Valley explained in these pages. The pill is not treating “serious or life-threatening illnesses,” but by approving it, the FDA has rubber-stamped the murder of unborn children throughout the nation.
While pro-abortion circles push the narrative that the pill designed to end the life of an unborn child is “safe and effective,” multiple reports point to the opposite conclusion. In a study meant to analyze abortion pill reversal, researchers actually had to halt the study due to “safety concerns” for those who did not take the reversal medication, progesterone, after taking mifepristone. Forty percent of the women who took the abortion pill “and did not take progesterone, required emergency surgery, and one required a transfusion.”
Additional data points to, as The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd reported last year, a “500 percent increase in emergency room visits due to complications with chemical abortions”–the antithesis of what abortion proponents would describe as “safe.”
And the FDA itself has admitted that the approved abortion pill is deadly. Updated data from the FDA concluded there have been at least 26 reported deaths of women as of June 30, 2021 “associated with mifepristone since the product was approved in September 2000, including two cases of ectopic pregnancy.”
To make matters worse, the FDA under the Biden administration decided last December that women are no longer required to visit a physician in person to receive their abortion pills but instead can get the prescription from a supplier through a telemedicine appointment– all under the guise of Covid.
Dr. Ingrid Skop, senior fellow and director of medical affairs at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, knows the harmful realities of the abortion pill all too well, after having operated on at least a dozen women who had abortion pill-related complications. “I’ve cared for several women who took mifepristone and misoprostol and required blood transfusions or treatment for severe infections,” she said. “And I’ve counseled women who experienced significant emotional distress after viewing the body of their easily identifiable child in the toilet.”
That’s not a scenario the FDA should be recommending to women, the lawsuit contends — much less allowing them (or, in some cases, abusers who might secretly slip them the drug to end an unwanted pregnancy) to order such a disastrous outcome over the phone.