By Matthew Holloway. Media: DC Enquirer.
Note: This article may contain commentary reflecting the author’s opinion.
A powerful, detailed exposé by Adam Andrzejewski of Open The Books has revealed that ‘First Partner’ Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) has been paid more than $1.4 million directly through a non-profit organization, ‘The Representation Project,’ that produced films and offers curricula used in all 50 states advocating “gender justice,” leftist talking points, and even featuring Gavin Newsom himself.
Stunningly the governor is featured making political speeches in the context of urging students to vote and help others vote for politicians “who show empathy through their support care [sic] policies,” making the film explicit propaganda.
Through her for-profit company Girls Club Entertainment, Inc. the non-profit also paid her another $1.6 million since 2012.
Look at the GRIFT/SCAM that Jennifer Siebel Newsom @GavinNewsom are running on taxpayers.
This ego maniac is presenting himself in films to 2.5 million kids in our school system.— MainStreamMediaisCancer (@TVandWebAds23) February 1, 2023
According to Open The Books, “California Governor Gavin #Newsom and his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, have pushed their radical curricula and films to 2.6 million students in 11,200 classrooms in 5,000 schools across all 50 states!”
California Governor Gavin #Newsom and his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, have pushed their radical curricula and films to 2.6 million students in 11,200 classrooms in 5,000 schools across all 50 states!@OANN @everydimeonline #NewsomTwosome
— OpenTheBooks (@open_the_books) January 26, 2023
Andrzejewski wrote,
“Auditors at watched Newsom’s movies and read the lesson plans. What we found was, at times, shocking: sexually explicit images, political boosterism, and something called ‘The Genderbread Person.’”
He further explains that in propagandizing her husband in a positive light, “Jennifer Siebel Newsom makes a movie portraying Gavin Newsom as a politician that supports certain policies, and then in the movie’s curriculum advises students to vote and campaign for politicians that support those policies. ”
As for sexual content, Siebel Newsom’s film The Mask You Live In offers students the URLs of such hardcore pornographic websites as “Porn Hub, MassiveCams, BDSM.XXX, and” And displays outright pornographic imagery with descriptive captions such as “domination,” “face fuck,” “kinky couples,” and “…dirty brunettes,” according to Open The Books.
Middle school students are presented with an image of a stripper with her breasts fully exposed hanging inverted from a stripper pole, with only her nipples covered by black tape. This is considered by the curriculum to be an “age-appropriate” video.
The report cited an interview from The Sacramento Bee of a father who filed a complaint after their 12-year-old daughter’s class viewed The Mask You Wear. He told the outlet, “Some of the images when slowed down were not blurred, and even when they are blurred, it is obvious what is going on. It is absolutely profane and disgusting.”
An investigation conducted found that the substitute teacher screened the entire film rather than the segment approved for 12-year-olds, however, it is notable that the full film is approved for only 15 years of age.
In July of 2022, Gov. Newsom signed a budget of $128 billion from his Democrat-controlled legislature that enabled these films to be shown and these curricula to be taught.
The connection is clear and is a continuous feedback loop. Gov. Newsom approves a budget that will pay for his wife’s content to be aired in schools that will adopt these curricula following policies that the governor and legislature set. Rinse and repeat. It all amounts to the Newsom’s skimming off the top to the tune of approximately $3 million since 2012.
Finally, and most disturbingly, they are creating a “Student-to-Activist Assembly Line,” the left’s idea of an inversion of their “School to Prison Pipeline” trope. Andrzejewski explains, “Curricula from the three available films advise diverse ways for students to become activists within their families and communities. Suggested activities include promoting The Representation Project social media campaigns, voting for candidates that “support the care economy,” and asking students to “market and host a screening” of The Representation Project films (while paying a screening fee to the organization).”
Siebel Newsom holds the title of Chief Creative Officer of The Representation Project and collects a $150,000 salary annually, totaling over $1.5 million since taking the role, she also sits on the board of directors. She is it’s highest-paid executive. Siebel Newsom also founded the for-profit company Girls Club Entertainment, Inc. which is contracted to The Representation Project (some nice self-dealing there) for the production expenses of the movies it creates. The company also owns the licensing of Miss Representation. The project has paid her company $1.6 million since 2012.
Newsom and his ‘First Partner’ are putting pornographic imagery, transgender and critical race ideology, and outright leftist propaganda into California schools. And they are profiting handsomely.